Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lots of Visits today!

Hello everyone in Blogland!!!

Today was such a waste. i was so unproductive. I really just had no energy, even after two cappicinos (sp?). oh well.

Desi went to the planetarium today with DH's cousin. She really loves Desi. I was also happy for the 4 hour break. I don't know if i will get pictures from that though :(

My niece Hannah came to our house today. My sister-in-law is preggers (read: i have been so jelouse for the past 7 months.) anyway she had to go to her birthing class (? Geburtsvorbereitungskurs) yeah. I so don't get that. I mean she has had a child already i mean did she forget how it all goes? I definantly did not have any of those, then again my situation was very different. Oh yeah they want the name to be a surprise, but DH and i think we are really the only people who don't know. They refer to the baby as Mo-mo. We think the name is going to be Moritz. I don't like it, but it is there style. poor kid can't leave Germany.

Anywho Hannah came to our house today. I love that little girl. She even ate all her dinner. She and Desi played for a few hours and then they came back for her. Desi really needs some siblings. He has even started saying it. ´

Desi actually went to bed nicely today. I am so happy and sooooo tierd. hopefully i will have some time scrap the pics from today.

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Raking leaves

hey there everybody. i am trying to start again with this blog. I have some pictures of Desi.

We went to the post office today to mail my voter regristration. We then went over to Danisches Bettenlager, a cool store with a little bit of everything. They usually have some good holiday stuff. Anyway, they had the cutest set of disney shovels and rakes, in pink and blue. The shovels were sold out in blue, but we so did not need that. LOL. Well here are the pictures!

Lots of Love,